~Fun Links, friends, and good advice~

Working Sam News  

Cool stuff from the wonderful world of the working Samoyed. Stop by and feed your head.

SCARF (Samoyed Club of America Education & Research Foundation)

The SCA Education and Research Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation, recognized by the IRS as a 501(C)(3) organization - devoted to improving the health of the Samoyed breed.
  The mission of the Foundation is to provide financial aid and other support for medical research to benefit the health and quality of life of the Samoyed breed; and to develop and communicate educational health information to Samoyed owners, Samoyed breeders, veterinarians and the research community.

Samoyed Rescue Alliance

A great site chock-full of Samoyed rescue information, and listings of reputable rescuers nationwide. This is the one-stop spot for all things "rescue." If you have rescue questions, Samoyed Rescue Alliance has answers!

Sam Urgency

Another great rescue information site. Sam Urgency helps fund emergency medical expenses incurred by any  Samoyed in need currently within a rescue program. Check here to see how you can help these dogs with your tax-deductible donation!

Pyles of Smiles Samoyed Rescue

Our rescue partners in Northern California. Pyles of Smiles is a 501c3 nonprofit rescue, and licensed kennel facility.


Samoyed Breeders, Ethical and Responsible. Listings of breeders who are members of Samoyed Club of America, Samoyed Association of Canada, or other parent breed club.

Samoyed Club of America

U.S. parent club for Samoyed fanciers & exhibitors.

Northern California Samoyed Fanciers

Our fun regional Samoyed Club here in Northern California. Specialty is held in June, Fun  Match in November For more information, please contact our Corresponding Secretary Denise Newell at Deni@ExpeditionSamoyeds.org  We'll see you there!

Organization for the Working Samoyed

LOTS of great information pertaining to the Working Samoyed, including a great chat list. If you want to more fully explore and learn about the versatility and heritage of our beautiful breed, check out this site.


A fun, informative, and informal Samoyed lover's chat list. You may post pictures here. I own this list so you can email me for more information, or just click on the link to subscribe. I ask that unfamiliar email addresses send me a short bio identifying themselves. This keeps the sp*m down to a dull roar and my subscribers and the server owner really appreciate that:-)


Another fun Samoyed chat list, geared towards the pet owner. More structured than SamJam, and attachments are not allowed. Be sure to read the FAQ and welcome messages carefully so as to not stray out of list guidelines. The list owner is very knowledgeable about rescue and training, and will be glad to help you with any questions about these subjects.

Keanani Samoyeds, Meerkats & Artware

Lory Barra's beautiful Hawaiian Sammy, Meerkat & Custom artware site


Stormcloud Samoyeds

Karen Rochat's Sams in Washington State


Summerhill Samoyeds

Karin McClain's Sams in Canada


Luna Sea Samoyeds

Helen Chen's  Sams in Australia

Cat Welfare Society of Israel

Everything you ever wanted to know about the amazing efforts of cat rescue in Israel. These folks vaccinate, trap, neuter, and release feral cats, as well as have a beautiful shelter for homeless pet cats. Drop in and tell Ellen Moshenberg you read it here.

Feline-L Cat chat list

A high-volume, but very fun and warmly supportive list for cat-lovers. It's one of my favorites, and I've met a lot of wonderful friends here.

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

Set on eleven oak-shaded acres in historic Mission Canyon and crossed year-round by Mission Creek, the Museum campus features a cluster of Spanish-style buildings and easy nature walks. This is a must-see if you find yourself in Santa Barbara, and is one of the city's best-kept secrets.

Amigos de los Animales de Guanajuato Rescue

A nonprofit dog and cat rescue in Guanajuato, Mexico of more than 100 members working in Mexico, the U.S. and Canada. Visit their site and learn more about this wonderful organization and its dedicated team of volunteers.

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Grooming Products we use and recommend:



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Copyright © 2009 Alta Samoyeds
Last modified: 08/10/09