~Mex. & FCI(CACIB) Ch. Alta's Once In A Blue Moon, CGC~



Our "Blue Boy", our "Once In A Blue Moon" has left us. Our hearts are shattered. Max was truly a one in a million and a blessing beyond compare. We feel privileged to have known him, and that God shared him with us as generously as He did. Max is very much missed by all here at Alta, and most especially his loving human, Terri Burke Hunter, who gave him a wonderful life of love. Thank you, Terri, for being so good to Max. I am just sorry it wasn't much, much longer.

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle, easily and often broached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan..."
Irving Townsend, "The Once Again Prince," from Separate Lifetimes



Best Puppy!

                                                                                                                            First Therapy Visit




                              The "source"! 


   FCI (CACIB) Int. & Mex. Ch. Alta's Once In A Blue Moon, CGC         

 Ch. Azteca's Stoney Burke X Mex. FCI (CACIB) Ch. Alta's Sunrise Serenade

                      OFA Hips: SA-13506G35M-PI (Good)

                               CERF: SA-2867

                                 Born: 8/27/1997

Max made us smile every day with his antics and fun-loving nature.  Max had a few points towards his championship, but he really didn't care for dog shows, so where he shined his brightest was as the constant and adored companion of Terri Burke. Terri works for the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department, and Max was a fixture among all the SBSO employees and K-9 dogs. He was also a star as a therapy dog, and  brought great joy with his soft and gentle nature to the lives of people who are hospitalized and disabled. Max loved children and always went out of his way to get acquainted with them every chance he got. He enjoyed coffee with cream (whenever he could steal it from Terri's cup), grooming his cats, and making new friends.

Max came to my house for "Doggy Day Care" when Terri is at work. He liked to check in here with his sister Holly and  his niece Poppy, and of course Smokey and Klinger, the kitties.

Max was a pearl of great price, a joy, a blessing, a beautiful creature who lived his life well, truly, thoroughly and with absolute and great integrity. He loved being alive and bringing smiles to all those who he met along his life's too-short journey.

We will miss him deeply, as long as we live.

Thank you Terri, for loving him so well and completely.


Max thinking about what a great life he has!                              




                                                    Max waits for Terri to come pick him up.


Thank you Terri, for giving Max such a wonderful and loving home. He had a great life with you and I am deeply grateful.


 "Who goes there?"

Max & Holly in Idaho


!!! FLASH!!!  

Max earned his Mexican and FCI (CACIB) International Championships in 4 shows! Judges Franz Neuwirth (Costa Rica), Juan Luis Martinez (Mexico), Ana Eugenia Vasquez (El Salvador), and Merlin Van De Kinder (Canada) all awarded Excellent ratings to Max. Max's wins were 3 Best Opposite Sex and one Best of Breed. GO MAX!

            Best of Breed: Club Canofilo Caliente, Mexico

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Copyright © 2009 Alta Samoyeds
Last modified: 08/10/09