Alta's Northern Lights
Where's my breakfast??
Ch. Azteca's Stoney Burke X Mex. & FCI (CACIB) Ch. Alta's Sunrise Serenade
8/27/1997---July 13th 2010
In one of
the stars, I shall be living.
In one of them, I shall be laughing.
And so it will be as if all the stars
were laughing, when you look
at the sky at night.
from "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Beautiful Sasha passed into spirit in the loving arms of Gary on the morning of Tuesday, July 13th. Sasha was graceful, bold, gracious, loving, strong, smart, and she lived her time with us very well. It just wasn't long enough.
Sasha joins her beloved brother Max, her mother Christy, her father Stoney, and the rest of her ancestors running fast and free, healthy and young again
Sasha was the pride, joy and ruler of the home of Karenia Kaminski & Gary Weber. She lived with a senior Sammy named Snow, her adored nephew Storm, five assorted rescued cats, numerous fish. She did well at shows, but her primary calling was as a pet, surrogate mother to Storm, and devoted companion to her family.
Send mail to
Sasha@AltaSamoyeds.com with
questions or comments.
Copyright © 2009 Alta Samoyeds
Last modified: 08/10/09